Monday, September 30, 2019

Andy Warhol and His work on the Contemporary Art Essay

Andy Warhol (1928-1987) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, less commonly known as Andrew Warhola, was a central figure in the pop art category. He is an American artist who reigned around the world as a painter, author, avant-garde filmmaker and as a public personage for his connection to many people of different fields of work and status. Warhol studied in Carnegie Institute of Technology (now known as the Carnegie Mellon University) to hone his artistry (www. artgallery. com, 2008). Warhol unify his works through the Keatonesque style which is aritistically and personally affectless. In his work s a Pop artist, conceptual aspects were always there as a key factor. His art was known for its irony, in most of its sense. Campbell’s soup cans was probably his most famous work. The mundane images he made were turned to the so-called ironic art through enlargement, hand-painting or silk-screening. He always mentioned that the idea of his work is always at the surface of his work, obvious, apparent. Other attributes of his work were slight color changes using ink spots (www. pbs. org, 2007). His work reveals contemporary art in such a way it concerns some human desires that never ceases to revolve around. He even made his film where he was an international celebrity and a pop artist. His experiences with many people brought him the ideas of what is contemporary, and made sure that no traces of the artists can be recognized from his artwork.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gun Control Research Essay

ProCon. org recently featured an article that studied gun control. â€Å"Stricter state gun laws associated with fewer gun deaths, study finds. † The article discussed gun control laws in states with stricter laws tend to have lower rates of gun related homicides, and a suicide (ProCon para. 1) Gun control in the United States is becoming a wide spread issue and is becoming a problem everywhere. Although I am living in a city with uprising crime that has been skyrocketing over the years, I wasn’t aware of this being an issue all over the United States.I decided to do some research to find out whether I am in favor of Gun control laws or not. After reviewing many articles for and against gun control, I found out that I do in fact agree with gun control laws. It became difficult to determine my side of the controversy due to there being a lot of negative and positive opinions about the issue. I feel like gun laws should be in place to restore our countries gun related cri me rates in the U. S. The ProCon article argues that states with the strictest gun control laws have lower rates of gun related homicides and suicides.The argument for gun control laws revolve around the statistics of gun control laws being stricter in certain states verses states with not so strict gun control laws. According to ProCon, â€Å"the most restrictive gun control laws have an average of 6. 64 fewer deaths per 100,000 people per year than those with the least restrictive laws† (ProConpara. 1). ProCon continues on to discuss the study â€Å"Firearm Legislation and Firearm Related Fatalities in the United States,† that was studied by different researchers that measured the association between the â€Å"legislative strength of state gun control policies† (ProCon para.1). The researchers then began to study the five categories used to create the legislative strength score which included laws designed to: curb firearm trafficking; strengthen background ch ecks on purchasers of firearms beyond those required by Brandy Handgun Violence Prevention Act; ensure child safety; ban military style assault weapons; and restrict guns in public places (ProCon para. 1). The researchers then ranked all 50 states from 0 to 28 based on their score (ProCon para. 2). â€Å"The higher the score, the more restrictive the gun lawsin that state,† stated the researchers (ProCon para. 2). â€Å"This study is a very important addition to our understanding of the connection between gun control and gun violence,† said John Roman, a PhD, senior fellow. â€Å"In addition to the general relationship between gun safety laws firearm deaths, also suggests that increasing the number of gun safety laws increases the reductions in firearm related deaths. So the benefits just get bigger with more laws† (ProCon para. 3). After reading the ProCon article, I found myself agreeing with the researchers.I can see different levels of gun related crimes all over the United States. Just by living in Fort Wayne, IN where there has been a peak in gun related crimes and deaths gives me proof that their study was indeed accurate. If more states had stricter gun control laws they would start to have lower rates of gun related homicides and suicides. Next, I went to an article by Chuck Baldwin, an American Politician, who disagreed with gun control laws: â€Å"Here we go again. We have another mass shooting at yet another â€Å"gun free† zone.Not only was the location a â€Å"gun free zone, it was located inside the nation’s capital, which has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the entire country,† Stated Chuck Baldwin, (Baldwin para. 1). Mr. Baldwin clearly has a strong disagreement about gun control laws in the United States. In the title of the article, he stated, â€Å"Guns don’t kill people; gun control laws kill people† (Baldwin para. 1). Mr. Baldwin then proceeds to talk about people basicall y abusing gun control laws and that they are useless because people are still using guns in â€Å"gun free† zones. Mr.Baldwin argued, â€Å"I thought gun-control laws and â€Å"gun-free† zones were supposed to protect people from gun violence† (Baldwin para. 1). Mr. Baldwin proceeded to argue that â€Å"Gun-Free† zones are actually â€Å"Free Killing† zones (Baldwin para. 1). He then went on to explain how â€Å"This is the second time in recent memory when some wacko shoots up a military installation† (Baldwin para. 2). I feel like Mr. Baldwin’s logic behind gun control laws is kind of persuasive because even though there are gun control laws, and â€Å"gun free† zones, doesn’t mean that people are going to stop committing gun related crimes in places where there are laws in place.I expected that I might be swayed by Mr. Baldwin’s information, but I was not. I am definitely in favor of gun control laws. I also th ink that Mr. Baldwin’s argument was kind of true and he had a lot of good reasoning, but I still think that by enforcing gun control laws helps a lot of states to lower their gun related crimes. However, I did not see anything on Chuck Baldwin’s article that proved gun control laws were good or bad. The final article that convinced me of my position came from the Congressional Digest.The article, â€Å"Prevalence of Gun Use and the Regulatory Response† doesn’t focus on one side of the issue. Instead, it focuses on the different reasons gun control laws could or could not be effective. Some argue that the low violent crime rates of other countries have nothing to do with gun control, maintaining instead that multiple cultural differences are responsible (Gun para. 1). â€Å"Through the years, legislative proposals to restrict the availability of firearms to the public have raised the following questions: â€Å"What restrictions on firearms are permissibl e under the Constitution?Does gun control constitute crime control? Can the Nation’s rates of homicide, robbery, and assault be reduced by the stricter regulation of firearms commerce or ownership? Would restrictions stop attacks on public figures or thwart deranged persons and terrorists? Would household, street corner, and schoolyard disputes are less lethal if firearms were more difficult and expensive to acquire? Would more restrictive gun control policies have the unintended effect of impairing citizens’ means of self-defense? † (Gun para.2) This article provided a lot of questions that I asked myself and I answered â€Å"yes† to more than half of the previous questions. I had not considered these questions until I read the Congressional Digest. I think that if the government really cracked down on gun control laws, people would actually see a change in gun related crimes. I feel like yes, more restrictive gun control policies have unintended effect o f impairing citizens’, and yes different cultural differences have nothing to do with gun control issues.After reading these articles on gun control laws, I am now more informed and can still say that gun control laws still should be enforced. I am surprised at the different views this issue has received. I found out that I do in fact agree with gun control laws. It became difficult to determine my side of the controversy due to there being a lot of negative and positive opinions about the issue. I feel like gun laws should be in place to restore our countries gun related crime rates and fatalities in the U. S.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Is an Invitation to Treat an Offer Essay

An invitation to treat is an action inviting other parties to make an offer to form a contract. These actions may sometimes appear to be offers them, and the difference can sometimes be difficult to determine. The distinction is important because accepting an offer creates a binding contract while â€Å"accepting† an invitation to treat is actually making an offer. Advertisements are usually invitations to treat, which allows sellers to refuse to sell products at prices mistakenly marked. Advertisements can also be considered offers in some specific cases. A proposal or an offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. It is provided in section 2(a) of the Contracts Act 1950 which states that a proposal is made when â€Å"one person signifies to another his willingness to do or abstain from doing something with a view to obtaining the assent to that other for such an act or abstinence†. A proposal can be accepted and it amounts to an agreement. If the agreement is breached, it can be a breached of contract. A proposal can either be made to a particular person or to the general public. The person who is making the offer is the offeror whereas the person who is accepting the offer is the offeree. As for invitation to treat, the Contracts Act does not provide any provision respecting this aspect of contract. An invitation to treat is not a proposal but it is a preliminary communication between the parties at the stage of negotiation, for instance, a price display of goods with price tags in the self-service supermarket or an advertisement. This is applied in Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemist Ltd [1953] 1 QB 401 HELD: that the display was only an invitation to treat and a proposal to buy was made when the customer placed the article in the basket and takes them to the cashier’s desk. Therefore, the shop owners had not made an unlawful sale. An invitation to treat cannot be accepted because it is not an offer therefore it does not amount to an agreement and there cannot be a breached of contract. Whenever there is a unilateral arrangement, there will be an offer and where there is a bilateral arrangement, that situation will give rise to an invitation to treat. An advertisement could be either an offer or an invitation to treat, depends on the intention of the parties in the case. In the case of Majumder v Attorney General of Sarawak (1967) 1 MLJ 101. HELD: That an advertisement in the newspaper for the post of a doctor was not an offer but merely an invitation to treat. Auctions are sometimes invitations to treat which allows the seller to accept bids and choose which to accept. However, if the seller states that there is no reserve price or the reserve price has been met, the auction will be considered an offer accepted by the highest bidder. An Invitation to treat will be anything that is displayed to a large number of people with an undefined way of choosing who can accept. An offer will be directed at a specific person with specified terms. So if an item is displayed saying it will be sold to the highest bidder or to the first to accept the labeled price, it will be considered an offer. As per Payne v Cave case (1789) 3 Term Rep 148; 100 ER:- The defendant made the highest bid and withdrew it before the fall of the hammer. HELD: That the bid itself constituted the proposal or the offer which the auctioneer was free to accept by the fall of the hammer or to reject it. Since the bid was withdrawn before the fall of the hammer there was no contract between parties. Offer’s can sometimes get confused with an Invitation to treat’. It is important not to get the two confused as there are different rules regarding both. An example of an invitation to treat would be an item on display with a price label in a shop window. This is an invitation to open negotiations with a view to forming a contract; in other words, it can be seen by anyone that happens to walk past the shop at the time of the window display. As per related case Fisher v Bell (1961) 1 QB 394 CA. The defendant was charged with offering for sale a flick knife in his shop-window which against the law. HELD: it is perfectly clear that according to the ordinary law of contract the display of an article with a price on it in a shop window is merely an invitation to treat. It is no sense an offer for sale the acceptance of which constitutes a contract.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Ford Motor Company Utilises The Marketing Mix To Influence Essay

How Ford Motor Company Utilises The Marketing Mix To Influence Consumer Buying Behaviour - Essay Example Ford maintains one of the most recognised brands in the world, creating brand recognition with historical emphases on quality and innovation. Currently, Ford is positioned under quality, with marketing emphasis on product in the marketing mix, utilising integrated marketing communications to give consumers the perception of product excellence, superiority and performance. Fortunately, global consumers’ having a high level of awareness of the brand makes it more simplistic for Ford to work on higher order aspects of marketing to build loyalty to the brand without having to concentrate on building brand recognition. â€Å"Ford is producing cars that critics and consumers are raving about† (Ritson 2010, p.2). However, how is the company able to establish positive perceptions about the brand and satisfy consumers so effectively to create such frenzy? This paper seeks to provide an explanation for how Ford builds brand loyalty toward the Ford brand. Various models of consume r behaviour serve to provide the necessary answer to this question. 2. Hierarchy of effects A considerable volume of consumer shopping behaviours are controlled in the subconscious and are not driven by cognitive awareness. In most consumption scenarios, â€Å"consumers are unaware that they are driven by motives† (Blackwell, Miniard and Engel 2006, p.216). This can complicate the process of building brand connection with consumer segments as consumers cannot always provide rational statements as to why they prefer one product over another. Because of this unconscious processing of consumer segments, it becomes increasingly important for marketers to understand the factors that assist in creating attitudes about a brand and what influences consumers about what brands to purchase. With a large amount of consumption behaviours being driven by instinctive or involuntary judgments, marketers must understand the factors associated with memory and cognition to create relevant and accepted promotional campaigns that build a more positive brand reputa tion. Figure 1: Hierarchy of Effects Model Source: Pauley Creative (2013). Hierarchy of Effects Model. The Hierarchy of Effects model indicates that consumers first build awareness and knowledge of the brand. The model illustrates that consumers go through a structured process that dictates how the consumer ultimately responds to marketing communications and brand, which is based on what they feel, think and perform (Pomoni 2010). The model illustrates that knowledge leads to linking and brand preference, ultimately allowing marketers to reward consumers for having conviction (preference) for the brand

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ethical Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethical Perspectives - Essay Example Another expectation is that if the company is not announced bankrupt, some of the members will be retrenched. The first approach that corresponds to the above situation is Utilitarianism (the approach means choosing of an option that is of the greater view of most of the people in the organization). The above approach can be considered in the above case by ensuring that top management of the organization is investigated about the charges of corruption bestowed upon them. For the common good of the people in the organization if they are found guilty of an offense then they should be charged and pay back what they had taken from the organization to allow smooth running of the organization. The other approach is Categorical Imperative. This is considered as a moral right action to be undertaken despite the consequences that will follow (Johnson, 2011). Employee should consider informing the top executive of what is happening within the organization for them to change the moral behaviors for the better side of the organization. Based on the case the management board is not fair since it has not incorporated a representative of the employees. Despite the fact that they are junior members in the organization, they play a significant role in ensuring the company meets it objectives and attains it goals. Thus, for equality and freedom of expression within the organization the management board should consider incorporating a representative of the employees. This will help them highlight the immoral activity of corruption taking place. The other ethical approach to be considered with respect to the above case is communitarianism. This approach takes about the common promotion of shared moral values by the community. Since the firm is a community project, it will be of the much significance if the board of directors of the company to ensure that the moral values of their top managers are in-line with the community expectations. The last ethical

Noise Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Noise Pollution - Essay Example General Characteristics of sound in relation to Noise pollution Sound is made up of longitudinal waves that travel through air and cause certain materials to vibrate and create sound. The common characteristics of sound are intensity, frequency, amplitude and velocity. Sound cannot travel in outer space because it is a vacuum. (Ron Kurtus, 2009) According to Kurtus atoms and molecules that float in outer space are too far apart to actually cause any vibration or sound. A loud explosion in outer space would hardly be heard because of the vacuum. Unlike electromagnetic waves that easily travel through space through electrical and magnetic fields, sound waves are caused due to vibration of matter. (Ron Kurtus, 2009) Sound intensity in relation to Noise Pollution The intensity of sound varies from human to human due to varying hearing sensitivity and therefore cannot be generalized. Sounds which could be normal for some could be harsh for others. Sound frequencies ranging between 1000 Hz and 5000 Hz seem most sensitive to the human ear. However, a normal human ear with the right hearing ability has the lowest threshold of approximately 4000 Hz for comfortable hearing. When sound intensity goes beyond this threshold it tends to impact on the ear causing damage. Such intense sounds include loud explosions, blasts, crashes and noise from heavy machinery etc. Prolonged exposure to such intensity of sounds is liable to lead to permanent damage. Sound intensity is described as the average rate of sound energy flow across a perpendicular surface in the line of propagation. Sound intensity is measured by special units, namely, bel and decibel which are logarithmic. If there is an increase of 1 bel, the intensity of the sound increases ten fold. An increase of 1 dB increases the intensity by approximately 25% and the change in audibility can hardly be detected. The threshold for human hearing is 0 dB sound intensity. The intensity of sound decreases as distance is increased . ( Frequency of Noise Pollution The frequency of noise pollution is as important as its intensity and therefore prolonged or frequent exposure to noise is another contributing factor that lowers an individual’s quality of life. The intensity of sound that exceeds above 90dB or even lesser but recurs repeatedly over long periods of time either at work or ones own home, is sure to cause damage to the ear. Damage leads to a deterioration in audibility and could progress into permanent loss of hearing if not checked in time. Therefore, it is advisable to use hearing protectors especially when exposed to noisy environments on a regular basis. Noise pollution in relation to the quality of life Noise pollution is a major contributing factor to discomfort and stress in human beings. In fact it is a crucial threat to an individual’s quality of life especially for those who work in factories and industries with heavy machinery that creates a lot of soun d. In this contemporary age, the latest technology brought about by industrialization poses a major threat to human beings as well as causing ecological damage. Noise pollution is no more only an urban problem because even in rural areas noise from heavy machinery from industries or factories and farm implements have added to the problem.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Plan - Term Paper Example SWOT analysis has identified that one-stop location and the huge Victorian house with a capacity of 600 people make Creations for You a perfect place to celebrate all kinds of functions. However, lack of awareness of customers about the new startup and huge initial investments appear to be two major weaknesses of company. To compete in a highly competitive market, the company aims to target the marketing segments through an effective promotional strategy. Both the indoor and outdoor promotional tools will be used to create awareness among the people and integrated marketing communication approach will be used however; to recover these costs and other fixed and variable costs, company will adopt a captive pricing strategy. SWOT Analysis Strengths Company has a huge Victorian home in which 600 individuals can be adjusted A client one stop location where all wedding services are available Weaknesses Being a startup company, no one knows about the company therefore, significant marketing efforts need to be put to promote the company Huge initial investments and marketing costs and less profitability Opportunities Changing thinking patterns of people such as considering marriage a big one-day event in life is favorable People are willing to spend more money on their weddings and ceremonies to maintain their social image The increasing busy routines lead the people to opt for full services like this Threats Increasing competition Easy access to wholesalers and vendors facilitate people to organize such functions very easily Increasing prices and costs of products and services can increase the costs of operations of the company Pricing Creations for You aims to offer distinct services to its customers, so that the big days of celebrations may become a beautiful part of their memories. To offer exclusive and excellent services to customers, company needs to establish a premium image in the market; therefore, company is spending huge costs on marketing and promotions. A lthough fixed costs of the company are not very high however, variable costs will be significantly high. To achieve the marketing objectives of the company, Product-line pricing strategy will be used. There are various types of pricing methods in the product-line pricing strategy including captive pricing, bait pricing, pricing line and premium pricing (Pride & Ferrell, 2007). The valuable services of the company will be offered to customers by adopting a captive pricing strategy. Captive pricing strategy is the most suitable strategy for services of the company because the customers will be attracted by keeping the prices of basic services low whereas, the prices of other services will be kept high (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, 2009). For example, for a specific event the Victorian home will be available at market competitive prices. The customers will get attracted when they will see the low price of the hall however, the value of the other services that will be required to organize t he entire event will be kept high for example, other than the hall charges, the per head cost, lightening cost, music system cost, floral setting or stage decoration cost etc will be offered at high prices. Therefore, captive pricing strategy will help the company to attract the customers and it will help the com

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Body Modification through Nutrition and Supplementation Essay

Body Modification through Nutrition and Supplementation - Essay Example However, these illegal supplements are associated with serious adverse effects to the human body with some being lifetime irreversible Clark, Lucett, and Kirkendall argues that Creatine as an ergogenic supplement remains efficient in escalating muscle power and strength in brief, high-intensity exercise sessions that lasts to a period of one minute (Clark, Lucett, and Kirkendall 416). Creatine acts as a nitrogenous organic acid and is imperative as a body energy source due to its ability to increase formation of adenosine triphosphate. Moreover, Creatine can buffer lactic acid build-up, thus possibly delaying fatigue associated with anaerobic activities. Furthermore, caffeine can increase muscle contractility, aerobic endurance and enhance fat metabolism (Plowman and Denise 60). Raven asserts that Beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate helps in preventing breakdown and enhancing synthesis of proteins this helps in improving body composition of the athletes (Raven 419). It also increases the strength of athletes making them more competitive and stronger. Based on American sports medicine advice, Ergogenic doses of caffeine may cause nervousness and restlessness as short-term adverse effects while insomnia, hyperesthesia and heart diseases act as the long-term effects (ACSM 606). Moreover, caffeine and Ephedrine combination effects include tachydia and hypertension, which are adverse to the body. In addition, uses of Creatine supplement increase muscle cramping, are associated with weight gain, and may adversely affect performance of the athlete .Gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea are associated with Creatine use. Protein supplements results in imbalance of amino acid in the body. According to Cobin et al, this imbalance is associated with gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea and vomiting (Corbin et al., 262) (Clark et al., 365) Besides, the aforementioned effects, the potential health risk associated with supplements according to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is closure of the high street businesses a key factor in the drop of Dissertation

Is closure of the high street businesses a key factor in the drop of Yell's share price - Dissertation Example Its lending operations were limited to the large corporations that could issue bonds to secure loans. When some of the money supply reached those big businesses, the owners and management utilized additional funds to similarly strengthen their balance sheets. In a survey about the SME Access to Finance conducted by the Scottish Government Chief Economic Adviser (2011, p.2), the importance of SMEs was emphasized. They made up 99% of all businesses in Scotland. â€Å"The results showed that the demand for finance (working capital) had increased but that approval rates for applications had fallen. Many firms also perceived the costs of credit to have risen†¦(p.2).† And the â€Å"Overall lending to Scottish SMEs in 2010 is lower than in 2009, reflecting a combination of weak demand and constraints in supply of lending (p.4)†. In another survey by Dr. Fraser, Stuart (2009, p.5), 2,500 SMEs were surveyed in UK. It was discovered that SMEs in UK utilize credit cards (55.3 % of SMEs from 2001-2004 and 54.4 % of SMEs in 2005-2008). Their other sources of financing were as follows: a. Invoice Financing – â€Å"3 % of SMEs in 2001-04 to 2.2 % in 2005-08† (p.5) b. Equity Finance – 3 % c. Credit from Suppliers – 33 % d. Loans from Friends – â€Å"5.6% in 2001-4 to 7.0% in 2005-08† (p.5) e. ... In the results of survey, it was discovered that 62 % had to resort to self-finance or savings to fund a business. Only 26 % borrowed from banks. (p. 19) Following are the charts showing low consumer spending, low consumer confidence, and high unemployment compared to the time before the recession. All are relevant because SMEs could not do well as a result of a poor economic climate. Yell will also feel the crunch because its customers are SMEs. (Source: Oxford Economics: UK Forecast in Detail 2011, p. 63) (Source: Oxford Economics: UK Forecast in Detail 2011, p. 62) ( Source: Bank of England Inflation Report 2011) Note that Velocity of Circulation refers to the time it takes for the banks to make funds available to the public, including SMEs, large corporations, and private individuals. Objectives: 1. To determine why the Share Price of Yell Group PLC has been declining since 2010 up to the present; 2. To establish whether or not the closure of high street businesses is a major fac tor for the decline of the Share Price of Yell Group; 3. To provide the logical evidence that support the explanation for the Share Price decline 4. To identify other factors that may be causes for the Yell Group PLC’s share to decline. Serving these objectives will lead to the utilization of quantitative tools for decision making with the pricing of stocks. Literature Review Overview A quick look at the chart and table of Yell Group PLC’s Stock value since the year 2003 up to the present ( See appended Charts & Tables.) shows a downward trend from the latter quarter of 2007 all the way to the present. A year ago, in April 21, 2010, the price index was at 59. That

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sun and Stone Fountain Essay Example for Free

Sun and Stone Fountain Essay ‘Another typical day,’ I said to myself when I woke up this morning; but I could never have been so wrong in my entire life! It was a Tuesday morning and the moon was still out. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. I bathed and got ready to get out my house since my bus was due in 10mins. As soon as I got out the moon became the colour of pure red blood. It intrigued me. So I got on the yellow knocked up bus and got out my little ‘Blue Note’ and started surfing the web and finding information and jotting down ideas about ‘The Blood Moon,’ or so it was called according to the web, but there was no information I could attain. I looked out the stained window on my right and I saw a red bright beam of light coming from the graveyard. I found it intriguing, so I got off and went to where my curiosity had led me – the darkest corner of the graveyard. And there it was†¦ â€Å"Is what I see before me actually there or is it a hallucination of what I desire? † I whispered to myself with caution. I got closer and closer to the shimmering light and when I got to the source of the light, there was a stone fountain with a ruby in the center of it, with some hieroglyphics carved on the edges of the circle shaped stone. What do these ancient letters mean? The colour of the ruby was the same colour as the Blood Mo † I said out before I got disturbed by a voice from the shadows. â€Å"Yes laddie well spotted son the colour of the ruby is exactly the same as Blood Moon! † Said a Scottish accent coming from the bushes. â€Å"Who goes there? Why are you lurking behind the bushes? † I questioned the man! As he stepped out the shadows, breaking branches every step he takes, first thing I noticed was the black glistening shoes and the fresh dry cleaned suite. My name is Scott Lander. I’m an archaeologist, I Specialize in Egyptian hieroglyphics. † He said mysteriously. â€Å"Well then Lander since you Specialize in hieroglyphics. Then translate what’s on the stone fountain? † â€Å"When the ruby lusters red as blood, the moon will fall, the sun will rise, and like the story of the phoenix rising from the ashes, when the dawn is near, the world will burn in flames, but it will not seek to rise. He said getting quitter and quitter till there was nothing left to say. We looked at each other and Lander and I knew that there was nothing we could do to stop the havoc that was to fall upon us. He took a bottle of whisky out his blue timeworn bag then brought to glasses out and filled a quarter of the glass. At that point the sun was about to rise the sky was turning bright orange so we sat on the fountain and clinked our glasses as we watched the world end before our eyes.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Marketing analysis of internet portal

Marketing analysis of internet portal is a groundbreaking site for multiple reasons, one of them being that, it is a completely member-contributed website; almost all of its 500,000+ pages of content are contributed by tens of thousands of Indians from over 50 countries. It is best place to blog, to interact and to make friends. Sulekha has blogs, social networking, classifieds, events, yellow pages, among other services and has definitely come a long way in a short span of time. It is the leading provider of integrated online event promotion and management, membership and fundraising services to offline organizations. It has served more than 500 advertisers in more than 10 business domains and helped meet their marketing and sales objectives. Sulekha has become a highly sought-after online advertising medium because of its unparalleled reach, unprecedented targeting (by age, gender, city, sub-ethnicity and income) and integrated offline/online promotions. Today, Sulekha serves an exponentially growing online and mobile member base of 6.2 million in over 50 cities in India, US and elsewhere as the: (a)Most popular online/mobile provider of YP business search results to users and business leads to small to medium business advertisers and merchants (b)Most popular online/mobile provider of classifieds in the broadest range of categories (c)Most popular social media site offering largest events/opinions/reviews in targeted domains. More Indians use than any other source online or offline to find local businesses and interact and transact with each other for the broadest range of needs all across India, US and elsewhere. Sulekha.coms assets include: The largest listing of general Classifieds. The most comprehensive and accurate Yellow Pages business listings in India. The largest number of Small to Medium Business advertisers in the online/mobile space. The largest base of member-generated content amongst Indian sites that spurs local commerce. A sophisticated and scalable mobile/online platform that serves millions of users on a daily basis. continues to rapidly expand its user and customer base both through its own sales force and through a growing network of prominent alliances with major mobile and online partners such as Reliance, Vodafone, Airtel, Spice, Sify and othersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.making the use of Classifieds and Local Search easy and ubiquitous. Every business that is listed on Sulekha yellow Pages has its own profile page, where in people can add information about that business, pictures, work hours, map coordinates and contact details. From the profile page visitors are given an option to either call the business or send a free text message to the business. Visitors can at anytime save the information about the business on their phone from the website. Since its inception Sulekha has developed many applications for mobile platforms and for social networking platforms such as Facebook. The Facebook applications include a restaurant finder and an application to browse through Classifieds. They have also developed an application for the Nokia N97 which allows the user to browse through all the services offered by the company. It is a fully funded company, headquartered in Austin (Texas, US) and with operations in US and India. The website has not advertised on TV in India to date as we always felt there would be a lot of wastage in reaching an audience that is not yet on has been recognized as one of the Top Six Largest Internet Media Portals in India and a pioneer in marrying community and commerce in a distinctive manner. BUSINESS MODEL Launching a Web-based start-up had to be either an act of sheer bravado or the result of a carefully conceived business plan. Satya Prabhakar was banking on the latter, but in effect, he fit into the former category. For, the dotcom bubble had burst and portals were not considered the promised route to success. Yet, Prabhakar persisted.. He quit his well-paying job with ATT in the US, put in his savings and investments worth $25,000, and set up at 37. Sulekha was a dream of setting up an online community for Indians worldwide that took shape when he was employed, and the conviction of its success saw him actually write the code for the site. He turned his vocation to occupation despite the risks involved and the misgivings of the people around him. When Im 55, I dont want to regret not having done something, he justifies his move. Its also his business philosophy. He attributes it to the concept of regret minimisation framework coined by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Another influence for Prabhakar has been Paulo Coelhos The Alchemist, a tale about following ones dream and finding out what one is capable of. Whats the worst that could have happened? he asks. If this venture had failed, I knew I could have gone back to a job. As for the familys responsibility, Prabhakar was unfazed because he had kept aside sufficient funds to last them at least a year. True to his conviction, Sulekha soon took on a life of its own. The next logical step was to set up a space where buyers and sellers could meet. So the classifieds version of Sulekha was born and it took about two-and-a-half years for the site to break even. About an year or so after this, Prabhakar began thinking of taking the business to India. By 2005, he had moved back home and set up headquarters in Chennai. Though the business model for the e-venture was in place, India threw up several unique challenges for Sulekha. The sheer size of the population was daunting. The other, more critical, aspect involved convincing small businesses that the Internet was not necessarily a parallel universe, but that it could be a powerful tool if it was exploited in the right manner. So, Prabhakar tweaked his model to suit the country-instead of a regular classifieds site, he sold Sulekha purely as a mechanism for gathering business leads. This means that a small business can advertise on Sulekha with the assurance of a certain number of leads being generated. A user (buyer) who goes to Sulekha is given the option of asking for a specific product or service and his contacts are then sent to the advertiser as a lead. This implies that the user is assured a veritable flood of targeted responses. What makes Sulekhas Indian business model unique is that the advertisers largely small businesses have literally nothing to do online. They pay for the leads-Sulekha could be a skywriting site for all that it matters to them. Theres absolutely no commerce conducted online, so there are no security issues. As Prabhakar says, all he really needed to have in place was a crack sales team. They (people) are my real assets. Everything else that owns can fit into a hard disk, he says. So while recruiting, he looks for people with the right attitude: those who regard problems as challenges and enjoy their work. However, reactions took time to convert into revenue. It was three years before Sulekha broke even, but there has been no looking back since then. From Rs 50,000 worth of business that was transacted in a month initially, the site has moved on to making at least twice this amount in a day. The company has offices in five cities across the country-Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Delhi-and plans to open more. Today, Sulekha is what Prabhakar always wanted it to be: Not just a site that people love to visit, but a site that people have to visit. Authoritarianism obviously pays. Users are happy with Sulekha, which gets a large number of repeat visitors, according to Prabhakar. But the portals success has given rise to innumerable rumours. When you attain a certain size, theres nothing people can do except talk, he says. While they are talking, he is moving into different media, including mobile phones. The bottom line is clear: Prabhakar wants Sulekha to be everyones default option. is succeeding today by identifying and firmly establishing first-mover leadership role in multiple areas, and by managing its resources smartly and is preparing to launch the first Indian electronic bookstore aimed at selling downloadable content to end-users. It has won unanimous praise from numerous Indian and foreign media for its unique approach and commercial success. REVENUE MODEL: Sulekha derives its revenues in India through a performance guaranteed response model through which they have served a customer base of nearly 20,000 SMB customers and hundreds of major brands. continues to rapidly expand its user and customer base both through its own sales force and through a growing network of prominent alliances with major mobile and online partners such as Vodafone, Reliance, Sify and others, making the use of Classifieds and Local Search easy and ubiquitous. Sulekha, which drives its revenues primarily from businesses, instead of the end consumers, is working out plans to rope in more channel partners who will drive online traffic to the websites. The company which recently launched its assured advertising solution for small business, aims to attract about 50,000 businesses to advertise in the portal by the end of the year. The company is giving advertisers the guarantee to succeed, and if an advertiser feel that his target of getting a certain number of responses has not been met, is assuring to run the same advertisement till they met the business demand. CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITION User-generated content, focus on the social media targeted at specifically Indians and on generating a revenue with local commerce within the community has been the unique value proposition (UVP) for according to co-founder and CEO Satya Prabhakar. has now migrated and replicated there success in the online space to the mobile platform by providing services classifieds as well as mobile blogging in the current months. They want to expand by offerings, by creating more alliances with print media and mobile service providers. Sulekha realizes this goal in a profitable manner by creating a flexible and powerful interactive platform that connects Indians worldwide through a variety of popular and powerful services. Here are some concrete examples of how they do it: Social Capital: Sulekha provides the most popular platform for expression and discussions (articles/columns, Coffeehouse, Weblogs) that allows exchange of thoughts and opinions. Sulekha has helped raised over $1 million / Rs. 5 crores for hundreds of cultural and charitable organizations in promoting and selling tickets for their funds and events. Economic Capital: Sulekha runs the most popular online classifieds service in North America (and soon worldwide) that allows for the exchange of products and services among Indians. Also, Sulekha has also started a fund, collected. Political Capital: Sulekha provides a powerful platform for Indian organizations worldwide to promote and find support for petitions advocating their causes. The Smart Techie magazine has released a list of Top 25 most promising internet companies in India. The list includes BigAdda(social networking),, Zapak(gaming), and commerce). CONCLUSION: Some of the trends for the coming year as predicted by show that: The ability to target online users by geography has improved, and its a lot cheaper now. Local advertisers can now be sure that only local eyeballs will see their ad. One can develop a reputation very quickly online, adding to his credibility and opening more doors for themselves all without setting foot outside the house. Witnessing tremendous response from tier-II cities for local business search online, we feel that these cities in a very short span of time will engulf the online space. The online space will also see frenzied activity with Marketers tightening their purse strings with a lot of stress on creative experimentation. Corporate houses, big and small will look at diversification in a big way ways to synergize or differentiate their value offering to the end consumer. Small business will continue to grow and are expected to embrace technology more in the future due to the sheer economic viability attached to this medium. Innovation will become a benchmark to leverage and sustain customer interest and loyalty. Apart from the online space, innovation in the mobile space will be tremendous with mobile commerce becoming a key platform for business convergence after the opening up of 3G networks. AWARD WON BY SULEKHA: PC World(June 2008) rated the Best Local Search Site in India. MSN (July 2008) rated the Best WAP Site in India for Local Commerce. CNBC (Oct 2008): Sulekha.comà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the largest online Classifieds and Yellow Pages in India. Venture Beat(May 2008): A merger between Facebook and Craigslist may seem like a pipe dream but in India its already happening. The web community Sulekha has quickly grown to become Indias largest user-generated content siteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦with 6 million members Financial Times(UK): Sulekha.comà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the worlds largest online Indian communityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦is extraordinarily sticky some visitors call it addictiveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Changing Role Of The Management Accountant Commerce Essay

The Changing Role Of The Management Accountant Commerce Essay Charles Darwin the famous scientist who introduced the theory of natural selection said In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment. He used this theory to explain the extinction of the dinosaurs from the earth. I believe this theory in fact is not confined to species. It is a universal truth which is applicable to so many phenomena we see in our day to day lives. One such illustration is the transformation of finance function. The enormous change the corporate world underwent over the last few decades has inevitably pressurized the finance function to adapt to its operating environment. As a result, today the finance function is in the fore-front of decision making positioning itself as a business partner for the organization as opposed to a conventional support function. It is in this context that every organization today should embark on the journey of transforming its finance function to adapt to the challenges of the modern business environment. It is needless to exaggerate the changes this brings about in the role of the management accountant. However being humans it is natural for us to resist such change. What we should remember nevertheless is that if we fail to adapt to these changes, our destiny would not be different to that of dinosaurs. This reinforces the argument that tomorrows successful management accountants will be the ones who not only understand the need importance of finance transformation but also who take proactive measures to bring about effective change and eventually manage such change to ensure sustainability of the business. 2. Finance Transformation 2.1 How it has changed? Accounting Finance function over the centuries has evolved significantly from the basic double entry bookkeeping the revolutionary concept which started it all. Today we live in a world where global companies exist and the finance function like so many other things in human life has transformed itself to cater the ever increasing demands of modern day businesses. Let it be financial reporting, treasury management, budgeting or any other area in finance for that matter, there is visible transformation. For instance, bottom-line in financial jargon, only meant financial profitability until recently. But today organizations strive for a triple bottom-line which is way beyond the boundaries of financial profitability. A recent research conducted by CIMAs centre of excellence at the University of Bath concluded the following changes (see Figure 1) as the most frequent changes faced by businesses. Figure 1: Key changes faced by the Finance Function in the last decade Source: CIMA Centre for Excellence, Excellence in Leadership, December 2009, p.12 As per the above research data, an overwhelming majority of 96.4% has confirmed that there had been at least one change in their finance function for the period in concern. However the degree, to which these changes have been popular, may extremely vary with Cost reduction being the forerunner with a popularity of 59% while Outsourcing of non-routine tasks was confined to a mediocre 5.5%. The same study later classifies these changes to four broad types and also pinpoints two main motives behind these changes namely Cost efficiency and Value creation (See Table 2). Table 2: Classification of Changes Faced by the Finance Function Source: CIMA Centre for Excellence, Excellence in Leadership, December 2009, p.12 Cost Efficiency motive is where a business is keen to improve its output by using its resources more efficiently. On the other hand Value creation involves performing tasks in better ways whilst eliminating non-value adding activities such that the organization creates value in terms of profitability. It is clear from the data (See Figure 1) that it is the Cost Efficiency based changes which were more prominent in businesses during the last decade. As the research suggests, Cost Reduction and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) appear logical steps for organizations as they grow. The economies of scale, firms are expected to achieve with its size, rationalize such change. Further the world economic crisis stemmed in 2007 prolongs to date would also have significantly influenced finance managers to run their businesses on tighter budgets and thus focus on efficiency based transformation. Although cost efficiency measures, up to now, have had the upper hand in finance transformation, it is expected that the value based changes would take precedence in times to come, as finance functions embark on the journey to achieve the visionary value creator status. 2.2 Why has it changed? So far we discussed how the finance function has evolved over the years. Let us now examine the underlying drivers which caused this dramatic change. This inevitably leads us to look at the changes that occurred in the environment in which businesses operate. One thing that surely comes to my mind is globalization. I believe this concept single handedly revolutionized the way people engaged in business. For instance virtual organizations such as Dell and online market places such as e-bay have not only been highly successful, but also have challenged the future viability of traditional business models. However globalization is only one among many drivers of change as per CIMAs recent research findings on finance transformation. In fact it ranks well below the likes of increased competition technological advancement which grabbed the top two spots in terms of popularity (See Figure 3). Figure 3: Drivers of organizational change ranked in terms of popularity Source: CIMA Centre for Excellence, Excellence in Leadership, December 2009, p.15 Increased risk and uncertainty and External reporting requirements achieved 3rd and 4th places respectively with market development coming next. It is important to mention the part played by the collapses of big corporate giants such as Enron, Worldcom and subsequent changes it created in the finance function especially in terms of risk assessment models and stringent reporting guidelines. The report further highlights some of the differences that exist within different business sectors. For example, demographics are as twice as popular driver in public sector compared to the private sector in which competition market dynamics are more prevalent. In financial services industry risk uncertainty is hailed above all drivers of change. All these drivers subsequently created pressure on the tradition finance function and new finance control models evolved to suit the new playing field. 3. The changing role of the management accountant in todays environment 3.1 The way forward So far we analyzed the nature of finance transformation and its underlying causes. It is now high time to look at the evolving role of tomorrows management accountant. Having acted as a steward for decades, today the finance professionals are increasingly pressurized to be a navigator or a business partner in performing his/her duties. With reference to the previously mentioned study done by CIMA, it is evident that Business partnering is clearly emerging as a way forward for finance transformation. Table 4: Business Partnering in finance function Source: CIMA Centre for Excellence, Excellence in Leadership, December 2009, p.11. In its research report, Finance transformation business partnering, CIMA Centre for Excellence defines business partnering as a behavior which involves members of the finance function acting as close advisors or internal consultants in greater collaboration and cross-functional working with others in the organization, so they can understand the business better, and provide the advice and support that is needed.  [1]   The idea here is, for finance members to actively participate in the decision making process and take collective ownership of the decision as opposed to being passive advisors. However in order to do so, the finance professionals not only need to posses technical knowledge in finance IT, they should also be equipped with extensive industry knowledge business acumen. In addition to that, the need for enhanced interaction across all the levels in the organization would mean that the management accountants need to master necessary communication and interpersonal skills. Further the traditional barriers that exist between departments would also need to be relaxed so that effective inter-functional associations are enabled. Erik ter Horst, Vice President Finance, CFO EMEA and Latin America, BT, offering insights to CIMAs survey adds for me, finance can only be functional if the finance function is a part of the whole organization  [2]  . However one might also argue that this may compensate the level of independence exercised by finance and hence affect the objectivity of its decisions. While acknowledging the possibility, Morten Sorensen, Finance Director Central Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific, SSP, believes that the potential risk to the objectivity of finance function will be outweighed by the additional value generated at the end of the day it comes down to the integrity and professionalism of the individual.  [3]   3.2 Finance transformation and the role of the Management Accountant at Bodyline 3.2.1 Background: Bodyline Private Limited, a joint venture between MAST Industries, Triumph International MAS Holdings, is one of the largest lingerie sportswear manufactures in Sri Lanka with a workforce of around 6000 employees and an annual capacity of around 15 million pieces of bras. The company caters to some of the worlds most glamorous brands including Victoria Secret, Nike, Marks Spencer and Lane Bryant. Over the last couple of years Bodyline has synergized its multi product customer portfolio to its competitive advantage whilst investing on technologies such as bonding, 3D hemming and ultrasonic welding. However the company is constantly facing stiff competition from low cost manufacturers in Asian countries such as Bangladsh Vietnam, and as a result recently underwent drastic changes in its business model which in turn caused the finance function to transform accordingly. 3.2.2 Finance Transformation at Bodyline Table 5: Changes faced by the finance function at Bodyline Finance Function Change Example Type of Change Motive for Change 1 Greater emphasis on cost reduction Projects to curb major cost overrun areas. E.g. Overtime Tracking Mechanism Cost Reduction Cost Efficiency 2 Increased outsourcing of routine tasks Outsourcing of VAT Returns Process to a 3rd party BPR 3 Increased Use of Shared Service Centers for routine tasks Setting up a common commercial department in collaboration with MAS Intimates group 4 Increased work on product pricing Developments of Pre Post Order Profitability functions on SAP Product Focus Value Creation 5 Cross functional teams Formation of customer teams comprising of representatives of different departments including finance Focus on internal processes 6 Greater emphasis on poor performance within the organization Facilitating greater depth in Performance Management. (Catering to Business, Departmental Individual levels) 7 Increased external benchmarking of the whole organization Risk assessments and external benchmarking activities leading to sound business decisions being taken Source: Primary data collected from Bodyline The above diagram depicts functional changes experienced by Bodyline Finance and it could be directly compared with Table 2 in page 3. (CIMAs original model) Cross Functional Teams:  A drastic structural change was introduced few months back where cross functional teams (representing virtually all the departments) were formulated to uniquely cater each customer. A business analyst was appointed to each team to represent finance and he/she adheres to a dual reporting structure where the individual reports to the Head of Finance as well as to the Head of the respective customer account. Each customer team sits together in a separate area within the factory so that interaction between the members is enhanced. However the transformation involved significant cultural change. People had to be convinced that the previous structure that had been adopted for the past 15 years was not the right way forward.   Members of finance worked very closely with the new leadership to change the internal structures reporting lines to logical cross functional business teams to support customer expectations. The management accountants involved in articulating the methodology of performance management systems including Key Performance Indicators as well as devising segmental reporting of customer bottom lines coupled with policy control deployment. This helped the people to understand the big picture and most importantly, where do they fit in to the new structure. The increased level of transparency helped us create a healthy competition among customer teams which in turn contributed to break the resistance to change whilst aggressively driving towards the achievement of business objectives. Greater emphasis on poor performance: Performance management initiatives across many departments layers are being introduced with the direct involvement of finance which provides design to delivery solutions. For instance, the incentive scheme for sewing operators was changed to an efficiency based group incentive mechanism from an individual performance based incentive system, with finance department functioning as the project champion. This is one fine example where Bodylines finance function operated as a true business partner coming out of its comfort zones, co-operating with the other relevant departments and executing the project to perfection. It is noteworthy to mention that whilst executing this project, complex human dynamics of 6,500 people and the cost implications of providing incentives to all of them were considered. A series of information sessions had to be conducted to manage the knowledge transfer requirement in terms of the new system. Nevertheless a sign ificant increment in factory efficiency was noticed within the first month of project implementation. In order to facilitate such advance business requirements, the finance function was strengthened with people having dual backgrounds. In other words, apart from hardcore finance graduates, Bodylines finance team comprises of several apparel engineering graduates from the University of Moratuwa who are also qualified in CIMA. It is this unique resource combination that has enabled Bodylines finance team to successfully strive for excellence amidst numerous challenges. Risk Analysis: The members of the finance department are also engaged in analysis assessment of risks facing the company, developing projections based on such risks to draw the attention of the management on high risk areas. For example early identification of the risks of Western economic recession, paved the way for the company to take immediate actions and thereby mitigate the impact of these adverse events at least to a certain extent. Cost Reduction: As a follow up action plan to Budget Monitoring, the finance team in collaboration with other departments initiated 4 major projects to cut down companys overhead cost. These are namely Implementation of overtime cost tracking controlling mechanism A project to control transport expenditure A project to control courier charges A project to control stationary cost A project leader is appointed from Finance for each project and this individual is solely responsible for delivering the objectives of the project. The leader is expected to collaborate with relevant departments, device an action plan, follow up action points and present the progress at the next months budget monitoring session. Significant cost reductions were observed in each area with the inception of these projects. On the other hand, these projects offer a great opportunity for the budding management accountants to move out their comfort zones, actively involve in cross cultural teams, learn and become business partners who actively participate in achieving the companys strategic objectives.  Ã‚ Increased work on product pricing: To enhance the visibility of financial information at the Sales Order level, a project was initiated by finance with the collaboration of IT to develop SAP (the companys ERP system) based modules which calculates the expected profitability of a Sales order in the system itself. This process currently happens on spread sheets off the ERP system and as a result lot of information is duplicated and resources are wasted. The second phase of this project involves linking purchase order authorization procedure to sales order profitability so that an effective control on at the point of material purchases can be exercised. Yet again this is a challenging project which requires the individual to move out of the comfort zones of an accountant and work with System users/IT specialists and to gather system requirements and thereby ensure effective system development is achieved later. 4. Conclusion Modern day businesses experience change at a dramatic rate and whichever the ones that do not adapt quickly, would be gone before long. Being part of that business, the finance function can never isolate itself so should get accustomed to change. If the finance function has to change, that indirectly means the management accountants should expect their roles to frequently change in future. In fact it is the management accountants who are expected to manage the process of finance transformation. As their roles evolve, tomorrows management accountants will be expected to learn new skills (more often out of their comfort zones) work with cross functional teams and ultimately act as business partners who take responsibility for the collective decisions. Although we all tend to resist change initially, we also might feel it is after all not so bad. It certainly brings opportunities provided we take it in the right spirit we may end up being better off. The story of finance transformation at Bodyline is certainly of that type. Transforming was never an easy journey and it still is not. However as a team the finance function moved forward with positive attitude and as a result in the process has achieved so many milestones. As I conclude, the fundamental point I wish to bring up is that the finance transformation is inevitable. Irrespective of whether we like it or not its here to stay. However it is our decision either to embrace the change like a lizard which quickly changes its color to suit the environment and thereby survive through successful camouflaging or else ignore the change just like the dinosaur and simply extinct.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Explain the formation and the break down of the First Triumvirate :: Ancient Rome Roman History

Explain the formation and the break down of the First Triumvirate The formation of the First Triumvirate took place because of the political motives and the personal motives of the three ruthlessly ambitious power brokers in Rome. These men required the co-operation of the other two in order to further their political careers. During the time of the First Triumvirate many extraordinary powers where obtained and in some cases these where unprecedented. There are some key factors that have to be considered towards the break down of the Triumvirate. The most powerful and influential people, the Optimates became increasingly dis empowered, and a sense of desperation to regain power is felt with the use of Pompey in an a final attempt to restore power to the Senate. "By uncompromising refusal to meet the demands of Pompey, Caesar and Crassus the senate naturally drove them into each others arms. The three men agreed to form a political amicitia ....." Pompey upon return from his successful campaign in the East, disbanded his army probably to diffuse tension in Rome and prove to the Optimates in Rome he had no intention of over throwing the Government. This suggests Pompey's political naivety and the fact that Pompey thought he had done enough in order to get recognition and acceptance from the Optimates to gain land for his veterans and to have his innumerable arrangements in the East ratified. Cato also refused Pompey's offer of marriage to one of his nieces. According to Bradley "Cato was a staunch conservative, and distrusted Pompey's motives" Crassus had a problem with his supporters. He supported a request from a company of tax gatherers (Equites), that after realizing Asia had been economically raped, and virtually un-taxable due to the Mithradatic campaign, could not possibly make money from taxes, so the request he supported is that the Senate should adjust the bad bargain to on a third rebate which they had made in contracting for the taxes of Asia. This request according to Scullard was rejected under Cato's leadership which had led to the stagnation of Crassus' political career. Thus Crassus needed some support of Pompey and Caesar to kick start his career and eventually lead to the formation of the First Triumvirate. Caesar, who had been Propraetor in Spain during, 61BC, hoped to return to Rome in 60BC and stand for the consulship for the following year.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Obtaining Start-Up Finance for a Business :: Papers

Obtaining Start-Up Finance for a Business This essay is an advise for Mr. Miyako on obtaining start-up finance for a business. Mr. Miyako wants to open a new Japanese restaurant. A suitable location has been selected in the suburban city of Sheffield, South Yorkshire of the United Kingdom, directly in opposite of the train station, with many bus stops in the vicinity. This place is near the Peak district, which is a nature reserve. In the weekends and in holidays the Peak district is visited by lots of people from the city of Sheffield and Manchester. At this moment there is no Japanese restaurant in surroundings of Sheffield. Estimated cash requirements In this paragraph the estimated cash requirements for the business is calculated. The calculations are based on a new inventory, Teppanyaki tables, a new kitchen and renovation cost of the interior. New inventory (tables, chairs, bar etc.) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 30.000,00 Teppanyaki tables (6 pieces) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 15.000,00 New kitchen à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 50.000,00 Renovation cost of the interior à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 100.000,00 ----------------------- Total à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 195.000,00 Possible sources of finance 10% of the required fund is available from Mr. Miyako's private family funds. 90% of the sum needs to be attracted from other sources. These sources are e.g.: a loan from a bank, a loan from a supplier (like the brewery) or an overdraft. Each of these sources will be described in detail. Loan from a bank A loan from a bank is an agreed amount of borrowed money that needs to be paid back in a fixed period of time with interest. To borrow money from a bank, a detailed business plan is needed. For start-up finance, the maximum loan is often not more than 50% of the required sum. Interest rates at the moment are 6-7 percent. Loan from a supplier Breweries are likely to supply loans to start-up entrepreneurs. In the loan contract the brewery can oblige Mr. Miyako to only use the beer and soft drinks supplied by the brewery. Loan can be in cash, but also

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Baptist Confessional Paper

When comparing one item to the other there will always be differences and similarities this is the essitanial aspect of comparing. For purposes of this paper, the two Anabaptist confessions, which will be looked at, are as follows. The New Hampshire Baptist Confession and the Free- Will Baptist Confession. The Basis of the New Hampshire Confession rests on the Calvinistic view of theology verses the Free-Will Baptist whose foundation is rooted in the Armenian aspects of theology. The very core of the differences between these two confessions lies in the positions of Armenian and Calvin theology, which will be the focus of this paper. An added difference, which warrants a little time is the stance the Free Will, took from the New Hampshire on the view of Ordinances of the church. Wrapping up will focus on how doctrinal differences between the two will affect the movements in their spheres of influence. Doctrine on God The focus of theology starts with a look at God, who He is and how He responds to those He has created. The view of God a person chooses will direct the flow of the flow of the person's theology. This being said the discussion would start with God. The New Hampshire Baptist (NHB) believed that God knew all things and therefore new exactly what would happen even before it happened because He determined it that way. The NHB looked at God as having complete and utter sovereignty over all creation. It is under this notion the NHB believed that God knew those who would chose to become His elect from the sinful nature of humanity. The NHB looked at this as an outpouring of God to all that would choose to live for Him. The NHB looked at this as God's â€Å"eternal purpose. One of the areas this confession does not mention is why God chooses one over another. God election is solely based upon His goodness and holiness, that He would be glorified according to His nature. God places His glory above all things in so much He commands there will be no other God before Him. On the other hand, the Free-Will Baptist (FWB) believes God does not preordain people to be called to Him. FWB believes God only ordains the ends, not the middle, or the means. The FWB believes God gives humankind a sort of power. This power would be considered free will. Free will or the power to choose and therefore determine what things may come by the hand of man. The FWB believe God governs by† moral law and motives† men were thought of as having the ability to bring about the ends He desired. FWB could not understand how a man could be responsible for his action if he does not have the freedom to create possibilities of his own choosing. FWB attempts to break down the concept of the NHB and the idea of God having foreknowledge of all things verses His foreordination of all things. The FWB believes that all things are with God from the beginning to the end. The FWB believe God's knowledge of the events does not cause them to happen, the FWB also believe that not all the things God knows will happen. FWB knows that God is omniscience but they deny His foreordination of all things such as the HHB does. The FWB have an understanding to which makes God in some very dependent of the creature or creation. They also have an issue with God's foreknowledge and His foreordination and could not break apart the bond between them. Although both needed to define God's omnipotence. God knows what will happen and what will cause thing to happen, therefore while He knows some of the happenings, He also knows what will be needed should we need a way out. FWB focuses on God's willingness to act on certain things or react and allow history to unfold as it would. The Nature of Man The NHC confession of Faith believes the fall of man from a state of joy and communion with God is due to the free will of man. Due to this fall, humanity is separated from God and therefore doomed to an eternal death without excuse because of its own choice. This idea follows along with Calvinism's doctrine of Total Depravity. Although the NHC falls along the lines of Calvinism there are quite a few aspects of the doctrine they did not follow such as man's spiritual deadness, black minds dark hearts, and shackles to sin, as well as man's incapability to change. On the other hand, the FWB builds their faith upon the presupposition that God gives every man free will. FWB believe that although this free will caused men to fall that by the same free will men can choose to change their present state by Christ. The FWB anthropology is closely linked within their outlook on Christology, with its focus on Atonement of Jesus. Atonement The NHB hold strongly to the foundation of â€Å"full atonement. † The NHB believe that atone was a two part concept which involved a universal and a limited area. The universal part took the stance that Christ atonement was sufficient for the salvation all humankind. The limited area was efficient for only the elect of God. NHB held that Christ knew whom He was giving His life for, and these few were by far and large secure in their salvation. The FWB held a special place in the confession of faith when speaking of salvation. The idea can be summed up in the following words â€Å"The call of the Gospel is co-extensive with the atonement to all me, birth by word and the striving of the Spirit, so that salvation is rendered equally possible to all; and if any fail of eternal life, the fault is wholly his own†. The FWB held to the belief men would be changed to a point where they would be able to choose for themselves salvation. When Christ gave His life this supplied the salvation to those that would believe, but the atonement would not be applied to this salvation. The only way the application of Christ's atonement would be placed on a man once he believed in Christ as Lord and savior then through the Spirit the atonement would apply to this person. The Influence of the Holy Spirit NHB hold fast to the belief that God's grace begins the regeneration process through the workings of the Holy Spirit within the person. The gift is given freely to those who choose a relationship with God. God decrees in order for many people to hear the word of God and thus hear of salvation to all that would accept this call by the Holy Spirit. The NHB also adhere to the fact that those who will continue to reject the promoting of the Spirit upon their hearts would not be forced to live for God. One of the doctrines of the HNB would follow that God does not care to follow people in this way. FWB have an outlook such that to say God loves those of His elect different than those outside His elect would strike up an argument. The FWB believe God's atonement is equal for all people and therefore His calling upon the hearts of man are equal. God would place people in places where they are faced with the decision to call upon Him for atonement but the actual turning away from self and acceptance of atonement is men alone. God cannot choose the right decision or the wrong decision in the doctrine of the FWB. Perseverance of the Saints The NHB like any other denomination will follow its doctrines to their logical conclusions. Believing is â€Å"wrought in our souls† because of the regenerating Spirit of God's work within His elect is â€Å"wholly of grace† then the preservation of those elect in a state of salvation is entirely based on the power of God. If God wants, you saved then you will be saved. On the other hand, the FWB hold fast to their doctrine to which if the act of believing comes from a man's few will then his choice to remain in the salvation state is also from his free will. A blurb from their doctrine defines it clearly† future obedience and final salvation are neither determined nor certain, since through infirmity and manifold temptation they are in danger of falling. † The Sacraments The NHB state in their confession there are only two ordinances they hold to. The first being the Baptism and the second being the Lord's Supper. However, the FWB also holds the Lord's Supper and the Baptism of its members but adds a third, which is washing the feet of the Saints. Conclusion In conclusion of the findings between these two different groups is very clear. The doctrines to which govern these groups are first and for most deep-rooted, and secondly quite different. It would be interesting at the very least to see a debate between these groups. It is quite clear the Free Will Baptist doctrine focus is centered on the man. The man makes up his own mind, the man continues to follow his own decision or not. This idea of man focused is can be seen not only in Christianity but also in new age and many other religions worldwide. While on the other hand the focus of the New Hampshire Baptist is solely, focus on God. Their entire doctrine is focused on a position of humility, peace, love, and joy from the man towards his creator. Though both have their many differences, the bottom line is both were different from the norm of their time and were hunted because they sought many differences from the power of the state-church at that time.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How Christians put there believe of helping others into practise Essay

Helping others is a big part of being a Christian. One of the commandments is â€Å"Love thy neighbour†; so many Christians do what they can to help. Charities are a popular way of helping the poor. Both Christian and non-Christian charities provide a wide range of help for the poor and needy. Christian Aid was set up in Britain and Ireland at the end of the Second World War. Its main aims were to improve the quality of people’s lives, particularly those of refugees who were struggling to cope with the aftermath of World War Two. It also funded Churches to help repair damage caused by the war. Eventually Christian Aids work started to involve other countries. It now has an income of approximately à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½40 million a year, and there are forty churches in the United Kingdom and Ireland who are part of Christian Aid. Most of the money, which they make through door-to-door collections and donations from members of the public and various churches, is put towards development work to help people in the long term. There are many other Christian charities that help in different ways. The Church of England Children’s society helps children in need. The Hospice Movement helps terminally ill people live out there life in a relaxed, caring environment making the experience less stressful for the patient and the patient’s family. Another famous Christian organisation is the Samaritans which was set up by Chad Varah, a priest. Chad Varah set up this organisation because horrified to find out that 3 suicides took place every day in London. He believed that the best way to help someone who was contemplating committing suicide was to talk to them. He set up a phone in his church and advertised locally for advice for people who were feeling suicidal. Now The Samaritans deal with 2 250 000 calls a year Sir John Templeton is a famous charitable Christian. He grew up in a poor family on a farm in Tennessee. He was educated at both Yale and Oxford University and he became a financial consultant in New York. Throughout his life he gave 10% of his earnings (a process called ‘tithing’) to help the poor. Eventually he became very wealthy running a multimillion dollar investment company, where he successfully managed funds for over two million people world wide. In 1972 he started the Templeton prize to be awarded for progress in religion. The Templeton prize is now worth more than the Noble Peace Prize. Fifteen years later he was knighted for ‘services in philanthropy’. In 1992, he sold his investment company for $400 million. He still gives money to support projects around the world. George Macleod is another famous charitable Christian. In 1938 he set up a Christian community on Iona, an island off of Scotland. He found volunteers to learn building, stone masonry and carpentry skills and together they rebuilt Iona’s ruined abbey. After that he opened a centre to provide shelter for young people from across the world to live in a community. The people of this community cook, clean, garden and work away. When they are not working they pray. The people who live there feel it is better for everyone to share and live in a close community than be rich and not. Oscar Romero was born in 1917. He became Archbishop of El Salvador in 1977. When he took his post his meekness encouraged the corrupt authorities to take advantage and step up there reign of terror against the church; priests were murdered and tortured. When he witnessed the murder of a particular priest Romero began to think differently. He began to speak out against the government in his sermons. In March 1980 he was shot while speaking out against the government in a hospital chapel. He is seen as a great martyr, who took the greatest sacrifice for what he believed in.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Accounting as an Information System, Hasstrengths and Weaknesses

The Disadvantages of Accounting Information Systems 1. An accounting information system is designed for businesses to use for recording their financial transactions. Information is entered, processed, stored and distributed through this type of system. Accounting information systems have many benefits; however, there are also some disadvantages to them. Learning the System 2. Learning an accounting information system can often be difficult and time-consuming. Individuals must be trained on a system, and this can cause a disadvantage to companies in terms of time and manpower.An accounting information system is made up of many different components, and almost all systems are computerized. Because of their complexity, some people may find them hard to use. It can take weeks or months for a person to understand an accounting system, and usually the individual still does not understand completely what the system is capable of. If the employee quits working at the organization, it can tak e weeks or months, once again, to train another employee. Loss of Information 3.Accounting information systems are usually computerized. Because of this, there is always a risk of losing information through power outages or system crashes. When this happens, there is a chance that all the information in the system could be lost. Companies take precautions for this problem by backing up their files regularly and performing standard maintenance on all computer systems. They also install anti-virus software as another precaution. Still, none of these steps eliminates the potential problem that may occur.Accounting information systems store a company's financial information for years. If a system crash occurs, it causes a major disadvantage to the company. All, or some, information is lost, and there's a chance it may never be recovered. Re-evaluation 4. Companies often change their way of doing business to keep up with the latest trends. To keep up in a demanding business world, these changes may impact an accounting system. An accounting information system is difficult to set up because every company is unique in its own way.In order to keep up with changes, accounting information systems must be re-evaluated often. Changes often need to be made in a system in order to process information efficiently. This can be a disadvantage to companies because it takes time for the re-evaluation, and it costs moneyRead more: The Disadvantages of Accounting Information Systems | eHow. com http://www. ehow. com/list_6767205_disadvantages-accounting-information-systems. html#ixzz17DVgqkpH By Jennifer VanBaren, eHow Contributor updated: July 24, 2010

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Emotional Couples Therapy Essay

This is a paper on a video named Emotional Focused Couples Therapy, it is about a couple that is talking to a counseling professional about issues they are having, the biggest one being the husbands anger. Throughout the videos you see how the professional uses the three stages in interviewing to support the couple. She also does a great job on summarizing and paraphrasing what the couple is saying and feeling. The professional uses both open and closed ended questions during the session. There is also a lot of body language happening by everyone involved, some good and some bad. The professional really shows the clients that she is really there for them in her body language and the way she is reflecting their feelings back at them. The couple listens to each other and expands on their feelings with the support of the professional. They also both realize that they want to work things out between them and are willing to keep working at their relationship. Open and Closed Ended Questions In this therapy session the therapist asked many open and closed ended questions to help get the full picture of the client’s relationship. When the therapist was asking these questions she was using verbal and nonverbal cues from the couple, to see how and what she should be asking next. The questions that where asked in this session is: 1. Is it hard to be supportive? 2. Is it had to be close? (Meaning affectionate) 3. Do you withdraw? (From the conversation and the relationship) 4. How do you deal with the message, that you are a are screwed up? (Not ever said he just fees that way.) 5. Are times that you can be close? (Affectionate) 6. Do you think that your wife sees you as a mean and nasty person? 7. Do you feel rejected? 8. Am I getting it? (The therapist states this several times during the session as she is reflecting on their conversation.) 9. Is lonely an ok word to use? (The wife was having a hard time thinking of a word.) 10. Scott do you think that you wife knows how you feel? 11. Do you feel that she does not care in the heat of the moment? 12. Have you ever tried to explain to her how you are feeling? 13. Can you help her understand the feeling of rejection? 14. What is it like to tell her how it makes you feel when you feel rejected? 15. What would be the worst thing that would happen if you told your wife your softer feelings? 16. Would you like to be able to trust your wife and be able to talk about your softer feelings? 17. Would you like him to be able to talk about his softer feelings? 18. Do you let the feelings touch you at all? 19. Do you hear her and find that comforting? (The feelings) 20. What do you think about what he did today? (Opening up during the session.) This professional has a way that when she is reflecting what the clients are saying and expression she is asking them if she is right and they add to the conversation. Above are some of the separate questions that she was asking during the session. There were very few closed ended questions. She would reflect and they would open up even more. The professional summarized and paraphrased what the couple was saying many times during the session to make sure that she understood what they were saying is what she was hearing. The professional was very effective in summarizing and paraphrasing the relationship and the feelings that both parties were talking about and expressing. Verbal and Nonverbal There was verbal and nonverbal communication, actions and skills happening in the session by the couple and the professional. Watching the couple expressional the husband he had his arm and feet crossed and turned away from his wife most of the session. The wife kept going from arms being crossed to out in front of her. She also was turned away from her husband  most of the session. The couple showed in their nonverbal body language that there was a problem and they both where uncomfortable with the situation. When certain question and answers where given the body language changed in the couple. The professional could tell when something was uncomfortable by their body language and she help the couple talk about it more, even though they were not picking up on the nonverbal cues for each other. The professional at the beginning had paper in her lab taking notes, after a while she put it down and leaned forward towards the couple showing them that she was really listening to them and was really involved in what they were saying to her. The professional was able to use verbal and nonverbal skills to help the couple during this session and help them to start to listen to each other. The verbal skills that the professional used where very effectively, she was to be able to summarize their feelings and thought. The nonverbal skills showed the couple that she was supportive and involved in helping them. By sitting up and leaning forward in her chair it was another way for the couple to see she was involved in the conversations. Stages of the Interview There are three stages to an interview, exploration, clarification and action. The exploration stage involves helping the client examine his or her thoughts and feelings. The second stage is exploration helps the clients understand their feeling and their thoughts. The final stage is action, which is where the clients start making the change towards their goals. During this interview, the professional listen to both clients on what they thought was the problem and their feelings. They both agreed that anger was the steam of the troubles that they were having, and them not listening and communicating with each other. When the second stage was introduced the professional was involved more. She helped both parties of the couple to understand and reflect on what they each where saying and helping them truly understand and really listen to each other. The professional also very effectively summarized and paraphrased what they were saying again, so maybe they could hear it said in a different way. By doing this she was able to get even more information from them about more if the true problems they were facing. The third and final stage is action. During this session you see that they are starting to listen to each other  and even open up more. Having the husband talk about his softer feelings and also for him to hear that is wife does not think that he is a monster was a great start to the process. They both also stated that they want to work things out and be together. That statement alone should the professional that they both were committed to the process. Self-disclosure and Reflective Feelings During the interview the professional really worked hard to get the couple to talk about their feelings and express their thoughts. Throughout she was able to get them both to self-disclose and reflect on each other’s feelings. As times this was not an easy thing to so especially for the husband but he did do it. He was not sure about showing his softer side, he thought it made him feel week and like a sissy. The wife disagreed she thought the angry side of him was the sissy side. They both listened to each other’s feeling and acknowledge them and respected them throughout the session, but may not have always agreed with them. This interview was very emotionally charged and at sometimes uncomfortable for the couple. With that said, they both listened and rejected each other. The professional was able to summarize both of their feelings very well, and understand what both of them where saying about the situation. Overall the therapy session was a great starting point by the couple not no were being done with their therapy and situation. Being able to talk about feelings is hard and sometime intimidating, when you are in front of a stranger. The comfort level of the session was ok, they looked uncomfortable, not just because they were there but the chairs and the overall appearance of the room, not very inviting. The structure of the interview flowed very well and the professional was able to keep the conversations moving in the right direction so the session was helpful for the couple. References (2009). Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy [Video file]. Retrieved from Phsycoheapy,bet website:

Friday, September 13, 2019

Jazz Improv Combo Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jazz Improv Combo - Movie Review Example In total, there were about seven men and two women. All the men worked on instrumentation, while the two women were mainly involved with the vocals. The tones employed by the vocalists were mainly altos. However, they sang separately. The whole performance was void of dance and movements. The musicians, while playing the instruments maintained their positions. However, the vocalists exhibited slight body movements during their actions. The music presented was purely jazz music. Each composition was played in its own unique way to avoid repetition of compositions; this is a characteristic of jazz music. The performers frequently altered melodies, tones, and harmonies deliberately. This created in the audience a different feeling and experience, which was exciting. There was a mixture of long and short music pieces. However, the short pieces were more than long pieces. This mixture of pieces allowed for breaks on the performers’ side and on the audience side as well. The concert was mainly performed by a jazz group, which undertook different approaches in their performance. Instrumental pieces took a greater part of the concert. These were a combination of long and short pieces of different music pieces. On the other hand, there were two main vocal presentations by the two women in the band. These solo presentations were accompanied by instrumentations. The solo presentation made the concert deviate from instrumentation, therefore presenting to the audience a new experience of vocalization. This was essential in striking a balance between vocalization and instrumentation. In this concert, a variety of music from different composers was performed. However, I will focus on my favourite music piece, which was â€Å"Careless Whispers.† The instrumentation of this piece was played without the vocals. George Michaels, born in 1964, originally wrote this piece of music, when he was twenty. Michael came up with this music one day while working as a

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Great Depression and the New Deal Research Paper

Great Depression and the New Deal - Research Paper Example The Great Depression had far reaching impact on the economic and political climate of the US. By 1933, unemployment had soared to 25 percent. Industrial production declined by 50 percent as investments fell by 98 percent. Between 1929 and 1932 the income of the average American family was reduced by 40%, from $2,300 to $1,500. Politically, the federal presence came to play an increasing role in the American life, because of various relief projects launched by the government to bring the tottering masses to their feet. The Depression brought about a major realignment of political forces. Politics came to be dictated by the economic conditions. At the height of Depression, people chose the Democrats over the Republicans that had been the dominating party since the Civil War. A new coalition consisting of big-city ethnics, African Americans, and Southern Democrats committed, to varying degrees, to interventionist government came into being. In the 1930 elections, Democrats took control of the House of Representatives. Republicans lost control of the Senate in 1932. The shadow of the Depression dominated American political life for decades. The dominance of Democratic Party in the House of Representatives, Senate, and the White House continued for the next 50 years. The presidential elections of 1932 were held in the backdrop of the Great Depression. During the election campaign, Democratic candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt castigated the incumbent Herbert Hoover for being unable to contain the downward spiral of the economy.

Scheduling -312 Forum 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scheduling -312 Forum 3 - Assignment Example The board of professionals must also keep in touch with the classification societies of the shipping industry to keep up with the laws and rules. An advanced planning and scheduling system has now become necessary in the shipping industry. The advanced system would also ensure the quality, efficiency, teamwork, time management, safety of the crew, and machinery. Once a centralized digital system is used, most of the things will be handled (Oz, 2008). There may be many challenges faced when it is about implementing a digital software system for the maintenance and handling of the operations. The software would require skilled experts to handle and operate it for different tasks (Richard, 2009). There will be more skilled labor needed on the software to incorporate each activity such as maintenance, safety, and quality control. The data networks are complex which are usually challenging for the board of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Write an essay in which you explain J.K.Rowlins position on monsters

Write an in which you explain J.K.Rowlins position on monsters - Essay Example Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood are all heroes in Potterverse. They are the people who helped Harry to fight against evil powers. The heroes are the ones who can favor goodness and led a helping hand to people in extra – ordinary situations. I think for JK Rowling monsters represents the horrendous power of evilness in nature which is not easy to overcome.( Thesis) Potterverse is the magical fantasy adventure of JK Rowling where her heroes and monsters fight with each other. The monsters of potterverse are a threat to the wizards of the fantasy stories and have supernatural powers. The Hero Harry potter being a wizard fights for goodness and confronts monsters of horrific nature. In the potterverse, the heroes and monsters possess superficial powers, however their nature is opposite. The dark lord like Lord Voldemort is lord of death and attempts to murder Harry having killed his parents. He is the monster with evil wizard powers and utilizes it for the destruction of goodness. So in potterverse monsters resemble evilness and heroes are keepers of goodness. The Lord Voldemort, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy all represent the monsters of the potterverse. They have a vicious character and wants to destroy harry potter and people surrounding him. Lord Voldemort being the main monster in the series is an evil doer and is a dark wizard. He wants to take over the wizard world and wants to kill harry as he possess wizard powers. Severus Snape is a potion teacher and is a double agent who was abusive and unfair. He had exceptional skills with potion making and had vast magical abilities. Draco Malfoy is another major antagonist in the novel, who is self centered, bully and death eater. The classic hero of the potterverse is Harry Potter who is a wizard and is fighter of evil. He is courageous, intelligent and works for social justice. The heroes in the pottervese fight against racism and for social justice against