Sunday, September 1, 2019

Education Is Jkey to Sucess Essay

â€Å"Change is the essence of life† said one philosopher, and keeping phase with the change is the meaning of education. There are different connotations of education. One is formal education and other is the daily education. Education is not only classroom studies but learning. In many cases what we study at class is completely different from what we practice outside. We may study the outdated technology or the old philosophy, to live in the present world we have to learn quickly what is happening in front of our eyes and try to understand it. We have seen children, always active, curious and full of vigor. the reason for that attitude is their interest in learning new things and to know the world. So they are quick learners and they enjoy life even better than us and are happier than us. So it is the innate of a person to educate himself to the changes. If he fails to do that he trails in the race of life. So education plays very important role in the nation building too. The rate of development of the country depends on the educated human resource of that nation. The educated human resource possess global competency and global etiquette. So it is the education which is the real GDP growth of the country and the investment on education is the real investment which will bear rich dividends than any other type of investments. We can learn from history how countries have progressed through their strong education system. take example of US, EUROPE and other developed countries, the universities are the real technology generators and industries are the buyers of the technology. Education is the inevitable investment the state has to do on its subjects to sustain itself and to be in the race to the global superpower. The so called global powers have invested on education so much, now they are tasting the fruit of that tree which they planted long ago. The countries instead of investing on defense and arms, if they invest on education, it will certainly pay back in large scale.

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