Sunday, August 25, 2019

Homosexuality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Homosexuality - Research Paper Example At first, people thought that it is genetics or hereditary because it usually runs in the family. People thought that since it runs in the family, there must be a particular DNA that makes a person homosexual. Others thought that it is the external environment that makes a person gay. It is thought that the external environment influences a certain person to change his or her gender orientation and sexual preference. Peer pressure is often cited as a cause that makes an individual adapt the preference of his or her group. Many thought that the environment itself makes one homosexual such as having dolls as toys when they are kids make one homosexual. There are also people who thought that homosexuality begins with having a certain homosexual genes or DNA and then made it a full blown homosexual when one is exposed to environment and having a group that makes a person homosexual. All of these theorizing seems plausible but experts disagree on this notion about what really causes or makes one gay. They found out through research that neither our genes or environment makes us gay. Scientists claim that homosexuality is neither genetic or external social factors but rather it is the womb that makes one gay. Scientists call it Epigenetic which is the process where DNA expression is influenced by external factors in the environment (not social factors). Specifically, experts argue that Epigenetic mechanisms can be seen as an added layer of information that clings to our DNA. Epi-marks regulate the expression of genes according to the strength of external cues. Genes are basically the instruction book, while epi-marks direct how those instructions get carried out. For example, they can determine when, where, and how much of a gene gets expressed (Dvorsky, 201). This explains why researchers initially did not find any DNA that links to homosexuality before because there was really none but rather, the root is contained in the mother’s womb. National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) confirm this that being gay is written in how are genes are expressed and how it is activated (Blue, 2012). Personally, it does not matter much to me the gender orientation or preference of a person. Of course the scientist findings enlighten me that after all, it is not in the genes but rather in the womb that makes a person predisposed to homosexuality . But what is important to me is that homosexuality does not define a person to be good or bad. They are unusual yes, but gender preference and orientation is just one aspect of their personhood. Honestly, I am not used to homosexuals but they can become productive members of society when opportunity allows them. I have seen countless gays or homosexuals in America who are living normal lives and having normal careers where many are even successful. I have also seen happy gay couples which seemed to live a normal life. In general, I can see that homosexuals does not cause harm to society but in fact can do good society because many of them are creative owing to their unnatural gender orientation. Personally, I think society should become more accepting towards homosexuals. People should judge a person by his or her character not just because he or she is homosexual or gay. According to experts, homosexuals composed around 10% of our population so it is better of us to be tolerant wi th them because they are there whether we like it or not (Blue, 2012). Instead of

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