Monday, August 12, 2019

M7 Deforestation and Kaibab Deer Discussion Assignment

M7 Deforestation and Kaibab Deer Discussion - Assignment Example ifferent ways including destruction of recreation area in the national and tropic forests which provide the locals more returns compared to logging, drying up rivers as alternative sources of income and increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (Merrill, 2008). Deforestation generally interferes with other important or beneficial economic activities such as hunting, recreation and fishing in both the tropic and the national forests. Deforestation of tropic forests lead to increased emission of greenhouse gases as well as enhance susceptibility of surrounding areas to tropic storms and floods. Floods are associated with increase in certain diseases such as cholera and malaria through breeding mosquitoes on stagnated waters (Merrill, 2008). Cholera resulting from floods can be addressed the public health sector through controlling of the floods through encouraging mitigation measures such as tree planting or re-afforestation. The disease can also be controlled through distribution of clean drinking water during such floods. A significant decrease in the number of wild animals especially the potential extinction the mule deer the Kaibab due to increased hunting activities led to the decision to make Kaibab a Forest Reserve. This decision was made to facilitate restriction of hunting activities through prohibition hunting within the forest reserve and the Grand Canyon National Park (Kay, 2010). Nevertheless, the move resulted into increased number of wild animals which posed another threat other forms of wildlife with such areas. As a result, this incident has been quoted in many wildlife decisions especially in justifying the need to authorize hunting to achieve significant ecological balance (Kay, 2010). Hunting has been supported on economic basis in which the activity is believed to contribute significantly to the national economy. Charitable organizations benefit from donations made from hunting activities both in monitory and food forms (North Carolina Wildlife

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