Tuesday, October 22, 2019


CONTRASY BETWEEN LEONARDO DA VINCI ARISTOTLE essays I believe that Aristotle and Leonardo da Vinci led similar lives. They both sought for knowledge and studied similar topics. I think that both were renaissance men, as it would be described in Leonardos day. This refers to the fact that both men studied a variety of subjects. I believe both men were ahead of their time, and I think both men made differences in our time. Both mean were very similar, but came from two different time periods. In my attempt to summarize these to fascinating lives, I hope you can depict some links both professionally and personally between them. Aristotle was born in 384 BC in Stagira, the modern Starro on the northern cost of Aegean. (work cited book 1, pg.13)The new generation wanted to forget the past and strive for a better future. His father Nicomchus, was a doctor. Aristotle learned early first aid techniques. This training could have contributed to Aristotles special interest in biology. When Aristotle was ten his father died. His guardian then became Proxenus, his uncle. (w.c.b. 1, pg.14) In 367, when Aristotle was 17, Proxenus sent him to the Academy of Plato in Athens to study. (w.c.b. 2, pg. 18The Brain and The Reader. (w.c.b.1, pg.20) Aristotle once during his time at the Academy, won recognition for one of Platos smartest students. Aristotle began to shift his ideas away from Platos. He became more interes...

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