Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sigmund Freuds Theories On Psychoanalysis In Cinema Essay

Sigmund Freuds Theories On Psychoanalysis In Cinema - Essay Example The conflict is that the film portrays these Freudian theories, but many of these theories have since been rebuked. The film becomes a satire by showing Freud's teachings, but subtly disputing and showing their errors. With Freud's belief that one's actions are mostly motivated by sexual urges and that these urges are based on the development of psychosexual stages, he limits an institution's ability to correctly diagnose and cure a mental patient. So in the film, although the patients represent various stages of Freud's theory, e.g., anal (Nurse Ratchet), oral (McMurphy), and so on, their treatment is limited by these basic categorizations. If the doctors and Nurse Ratchet did more than treat their basic symptoms they could have focused on true healing and tried to get to the root of the problem. Instead, patients were controlled through medication and lobotomies. Freud's Oedipus complex theory, that every man is in love with his mother and hates his father is illustrated in the film. The female in control of the hospital, Nurse Ratched, represents the mother figure. She controls the blood of patients. Based on Freud's theory, each of the men would love her, as the mother figure. ...The conflict occurs because of Nurse Ratched's abuse of such power. This causes confusion and a love/hate relationship with the men. They feel the urgings to love her as a mother, but are confused by her rejection and abuse.In this example, it would appear to be a reverse Oedipus complex in that the relationship goes the extreme opposite with the patients hating her. Still, the need to please exhibited by some of the patients still exhibits an Oedipus complex. The female figure or mother image is represented in a negative light throughout the film. Vera Harding, Candy, Nurse Ratchet all exert and abuse the power they have over men. Each of the men reacts in his own way: McMurphy resents her power; Chief shuts down emotionally; Billy Bibbitt craves the love his mother withholds.

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